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UPDATED:The American Cancer Society Wants You To Avoid These Foods and Drinks

A new guideline from ACS wants everyone to forever skip meat and alcohol and have a non-sedentary lifestyle.
(Photo : Photo by JerzyGorecki from Pixabay)

The American Cancer Society recently gave an updated list of guidelines that included foods and drinks that you need to the cut-off to be risk-free of cancer.

Before we go ahead, the guidelines set are a bit of bad news for beer and beef lovers. So, if you want to lower your risk of acquiring the much-dreaded "C," you need to cut these from your foods and drinks and have an exercise routine. 

With the help of scientific evidence, the organization has recommended a plan of action for how everyone can erase barriers that prevent a healthy diet and a non-sedentary lifestyle. 

An Increased Physical Activity 

As mentioned in Cancer Network, the previous recommendation was to indulge at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise with an emphasis on the upper limbs. Now, the new proposal is to have it increased up to 150 - 300 minutes each week. 

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Diet and Alcohol 

Meats That Red and Have Undergone Processing

Previously, the ACS has mentioned that eating red meat from pork, beef, or lamb is part of a well-balanced diet. However, the recent update has now indicated to cut it off your meal entirely. Researchers have found evidence that links red and processed meat to the chances of having cancer, especially to the colon.

No More  Alcohol Consumption

In their previous report, they recommended a limited amount of alcoholic beverages. Now for the year 2020, they've come to a new official recommendation to wholeheartedly say "No" when it comes to drinking alcoholic beverages, as mentioned in Insider. Given those who do choose to drink, they mentioned being reminded of the previous guideline in which no more than two drinks per day for a man and one drink per day for a woman.

Stay Away From Artificial Beverages

In the report from ACS, one of the culprits of having excess body fat is due to sweetened artificial drinks. These high amounts of sugar are also linked to obesity, which makes the person most likely to get cancer in the near future. They advised erasing sugars even in limited amounts entirely and instead have water or any type of natural unsweetened beverage.

Highly Processed Foods 

Always steer clear from foods that are made of refined grains and sodium. This ready-to-consume highly processed foods may be palatable, but they will make you put on added pounds. Besides being linked to cancer, they also have been linked to numerous illnesses such as diabetes, fatty liver, and cardiovascular diseases, according to Health Line

Refined Grains 

The ACS also included refined grains in foods that you should avoid, as mentioned on CNN. Whole grains are good, but grains whose essential parts are removed like germ and bran are unhealthy for your body. It's because a critical part of the protein and other nutrients are no longer part of the processed grain. Again, this type of grain is found on highly processed snacks.

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Jun 15, 2020 08:31 AM EDT

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