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4 Must-Have Diet Books for a Healthy Lifestyle

Diet Book
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You are what you eat. But what you put into your body affects more than just your weight. The key to a healthier version of yourself is eating a wide variety of foods throughout the day.

A diet book is less expensive than trendy apps, commercial weight-loss programs, and online celebrity diets. A good diet book depends on your lifestyle and your weight loss goal. Your diet plan should be sustainable for life.

New Year's Day is coming up and the annual promise to improve your diet and exercise goes along with it. Think of diets as journeys toward improved health that help you improve your eating and exercise habits.

Browse through these diet books to spark your inspiration:

1. Dirty Genes (Click the link to check the price)


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Epigenetics is the science of how your genes affect your health. You will learn in this book how to clean up your act so your genes are working for you -- not against you.

Dr. Ben Lynch is the most widely-acknowledged Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or MTHFR expert online. The overall tone is very down-to-earth and... calm as the author makes no apologies for calling health-damaging activities or substances health-damaging, but at the same time cognizant of the fact that we are all bound by limitations of time, money, etc.

2. The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet (Click the link to check the price)


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The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet was ranked the second-best diet for weight loss and tied for the number-five best diet overall (out of 40 diets) in the 2018 U.S. News & World Report's Best Diet Rankings. The point was simply to eat the same amount of food as you usually do, just with fewer calories.

The message was to fill up on foods that are naturally low in calories and high in fiber or water-think fruits, veggies, and soups.

3. Keto For Carb Lovers (Click the link to check the price)


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Kourtney Kardashian took awareness about the keto diet to the next level. The keto diet is about replacing carbs with healthy fats (think more zoodles, fewer noodles, basically). Instead of carbohydrates (which is typically the body's first source of energy), your body will look to fat to burn energy.

The concept is simple, but the results are remarkable. You even have plenty of opportunities to eat unhealthy while still technically remaining in a state of ketosis.

4. The Small Change Diet (Click the link to check the price)


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The Small Change Diet is based on 10 small changes that will help you turn smarts habits into second nature, one step at a time. You get to decide what to focus on first and when you are ready to move on.

These small changes involve no deprivation and no struggles and this might be the only diet plan you will ever need. The changes are so small that you can maintain them for a lifetime.

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Dec 20, 2019 01:01 PM EST

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