Healthy Living

Why You Need to Eat Dates and Include Them in Your Diet

By | Nov 01, 2020 08:00 PM EST
(Photo: Enotovyj)

Brown, wrinkled, and sweet to the taste. Dates are very famous and often considered luxurious. A traditional crop in Arabia, Africa, Morocco, and Iraq, this fruit is a part of Christianity and Islam. Dates can be eaten fresh and dried. According to Britannica, dates come from the date pal originated from Iraq and were brought by Spanish missionaries to the New World in the 18th Century. Dates palms are now also grown in California in the United States. 

But apart from its reach history and heritage, did you know that dates are also rich in nutrients that are needed by our body. According to Your Health Tube, they are a great source of copper, potassium, and Fiber, but you need a large number of dates to consume the required intake of these nutrients in the body. Here some of the health benefits this chewy fruit has to offer. 

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High in Fiber

Fiber is an important nutrient our body needs. According to Healthline fiber can prevent you from having constipation and promote regular bowel movement. In a study Healthline mentioned where 21 people were to consume seven dates per day for 21 days, they experienced an improvement in their stool frequency and had an increase in their bowel movements compared to when they're not eating dates. Healthline added that Fiber slows down digestion which prevents blood sugar levels from spiking to high after eating. 

Rich in Antioxidants

According to the National Center for Biotechnology and Information, dates are a good source of antioxidants. Mayo Clinic described antioxidants as substances that may protect cells from free radicals which may play a role in heart disease, cancer, other diseases. Mayo clinic added that these free radicals are produced when the body breaks down the food we eat or when we are exposed to tobacco smoke or radiation. Healthline said that compared to figs and dried plums, dates are has a higher content of antioxidant. Dates are rich in Flavonoids which can prevent you from having Alzheimer's disease, Carotenoids that help promote heart health and prevent macular degeneration, and phenolic acid that helps lower the risk of cancer and heart disease.

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Rich in Essential Vitamins

According to Your Health Tube, dates contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, A, and C, and eating them every day will let you not take vitamin supplements. It will also energize your body because it contains natural sugars, that's why it is also known to be a wonderful snack. 

May Promote Natural Labor

According to Healthline, eating dates in the last few weeks of pregnancy will help promote cervical dilation and lower the need for induced labor. But they also said that even though numerous studies link dates to pregnancy, further study is needed for it to be confirmed. Healthline emphasized that the oxytocin receptors in the dates may have mimicked the effects of oxytocin in the body. Healthline also highlighted that dates contain tannins, compounds that have shown great help in easing contractions. Their sugars are also a great source of energy which is necessary during labor. 

Dates may be pricey, especially if it is not available in your local store, however, the price you'll pay is worth it. Try to incorporate them into your diet and see the improvement it can give you to your health. 

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