Healthy Living

5 Simple but Harmful Activities That Can Cause Damage To Your Spine

By | Oct 22, 2020 12:00 PM EDT

Our spine is one of the most crucial parts of our body. If it is not in great shape, it is quite a struggle to stand up or keep ourselves upright.

Essentially, our spine provides our body with the much-needed support and structure it needs. It enables us to move and bed with full flexibility freely. Therefore, it is quite critical to take good care of our spine.

Many times, we wake up in the morning having low back pain or tightness, thinking of such a feeling as 'sleeping in the wrong position."

We don't know that the main reason for the pain was the accumulation of activities that have been taking place during the past few months or even a couple of years.

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(Photo: PxHere)
Even the simple tying of shoes can cause damage to the spine.

5 Activities That Can Damage the Spine

Both clinicians and patients frequently refer to low back pain as to a condition like a sneeze, a bad night's sleep. However, very few injuries in the back take place from one event, frequently misguiding initiatives to deal with the real reason for the occurrence of cumulative trauma

Here are 5 of the activities, you may think are simple and yet they can be harmful to your spine:

1. Brushing the Teeth

A lot of individuals damage their spine when brushing their teeth. Specifically, the pressure on the spine typically much high while standing compared to while talking.

Say your work engages standing for a long time. You need to find a way to balance your body and help shield your spine. As you brush your teeth, avoid bending a lot on the sink. Instead, brush as you stand upright.

2. Changing the Vehicle Tire

A flat tire is a problem almost all motorists encounter at some point. Unfortunately, most vehicle owners usually impair their spine while they are having their car tire changed.

You can prevent this from happening, sit on the ground, and make sure your car fender, as well as your eyes, are on the same level as you change the tire.

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3. Cleaning the Floor

Usually, we pile a lot of pressure on our legs and back each time we clean and wash the floor as we bend our bodies. This can then lead to damage to the spine.

To prevent this, the expert advice that we don't wash the floor using our hands. Instead, we use a mop or brush when wiping the floor while standing upright.

4. Simple Tying of Shoes

With each second we spend staying in a bent position, it impairs our intervertebral discs. When our spine is subjected to constant pressure, critical nutritional elements present are typically drowned out of our spine, making it stay flat.

This can lead to sharp pain in the spine. To respond to this, a fresh supply of nutritional elements are reloaded when the body feels any discomfort, especially while asleep.

5. Carrying a Heavy Bag

Almost everyone carries a backpack, especially when going out for a hike, picnic, or holiday break. Whatever the reason is, for carrying the bag, what's important is how it is carried.

Most individuals typically impair their spine while they carry a backpack. Stuffing too many heavy objects on your backpack and carrying it inappropriately can definitely do harm to your spine.

To get rid of such an impairment, make sure you are using both straps of the bag for equal attribution of the weight. More so, consider purchasing a backpack that has soft and wide straps as they lower pressure on the neck and spine, not to mention absorb shock better.

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Check out more news and information on Exercise Routines on MD News Daily.

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