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Study Explains Why Organic Crops are Better and Safer than their Conventional Counterparts

Study Explains Why Organic Crops are Better and Safer than their Conventional Counterparts
(Photo : Flickr)

Organic crops are more healthy, nutritious and beneficial in warding off illnesses and diseases, according to a study.

Farm grown fruits and vegetables are exposed to pesticides, chemical fertilizers and hazardous gases in the atmosphere. These deteriorate the overall quality and nutritional content of food crops. Experts at the Newcastle University School of Agriculture in U.K. conducted a meta-analysis to examine the nutritional quality and safety of consuming crops that were grown organically and by modern cultivation techniques, reports the Red Orbit News.

They found different methods of cultivation had varied impact on the nutritional value of fruits, vegetables and grains. Crops grown using conventional methods were exposed to synthetic nitrogen to increase the levels of starch and sugar content. The concentration of anti-oxidants and other nutrients diminished in these crops soon after harvesting. But, organic crops had about 18 to 69 percent of nutritive ingredients and people who ate these had over 40 percent higher level of nutrition.

In addition, the study noted 25 percent lesser traces of pesticide chemicals and toxic heavy metals in organic crops than conventional produce. Past studies have confirmed ingesting toxins and pesticide chemicals cause mental disorders like mood fluctuation, depression, irritability and other health conditions like infertility and early puberty. So far, nutritionists have not been able to determine the differences in nutritional composition between organic and conventional crops. The current research debunks the popularly accepted belief that farming methods have no effect on nutritional standards of food crops.

"This study demonstrates that choosing food produced according to organic standards can lead to increased intake of desirable antioxidants and reduced exposure to toxic heavy metals," said Carlo Leifert, study author and professor at the Newcastle University, reports the Daily Mail.

"The organic versus non-organic debate has rumbled on for decades now but the evidence from this study is overwhelming. This is an important addition to the information currently available to consumers, which until now has been confusing and in many cases conflicting," he added.

Scientists also referred to the 2010 trial by the Washington State University that measured differences between conventional and farm-grown strawberries. Their results showed that in the absence of chemical pesticides, plants release higher amounts of anti-oxidant compounds like phenols and polyphenols to stave off pests and predators. Consuming organic strawberries rich in these two compounds keeps heart diseases, stroke and cancer at bay.

"This study is telling a powerful story of how organic plant-based foods are nutritionally superior and deliver bona fide health benefits," said Charles Benbrook, co-author and researcher at the Washington State University, in a news release.

More information is available online in the British Journal of Nutrition.

Jul 14, 2014 04:20 AM EDT

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